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Welcome to our wrestling page. This will be the best wrestling page on the internet for two reasons. One, because the Amigo's wrote it and two, because it will be updated weekly. How many other page owners can say that?

We hope you enjoy this page(text and pictures) and hope you will sign the guest book and let us know what you think.

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**These aren't all facts, some are rumors and some are just thoughts. In any case, I thank the wng for all my info.**

Hello, All! SSorry I haven't updated for a while, but I had writters block and was just plain lazy for a while.Again I apologize, but down to business.

First off, some of you may or may not know of the soon return of Terry Funk to the WWF. Well, he is being sidetracked right now with hepititis A. He's finishing a match with Tommy Dreamer in the ECW, than he'll be on the WWF roster. The Amigo's thoughts and prayers go out to Terry Funk. Get well soon.

Well, the Undertaker being a God is kind of a cheesey angle if you ask me, but what else can you do with him? He's already been pushed as far as he could go. Give him credit though, he was against this angle from the begining. It was pushed on him by McMahon. Not only that, the Undertaker now has his own comic.(see above) Cheesey? Not sure yet.

Gillberg actually won a match!!!That broke his streak, though.That sucks.

For those of you who didn't get to see the Rock and Shamrock on "That 70's Show,"Shamrock played a jobber with bad hair and the Rock played his father, Rocky Johnson. In the show, Rocky Johnson said that he has a son and one day he'll be the most electrifying man in sports entertainment. Bragging himself up, that's all.

Road Dogg has a bad neck injury, so don't expect a big match at St. Valintines Day Masacre. If it is a good match, then Road Dogg deserves alot of credit for it. We'll have to wait and see.

Yokozuna will be making a return to the ring soon, but it's not known if he'll be with WCW or WWF. His contract with either is in nagotiation.

Public Enemy decided not to return to the WWF or WCW and will leave ECW for some different company. Not sure where, but don't expect it to be a big name place.

Jerico has been offered a BIG contract with the WCW BUT has not yet resigned. My sorces say that it is DEFFINATE that Jerico will go WWF come July. This is not a rumor!!!!!!!!

Scorpio was fired from the WWF recently and is now headed back to ECW. Good luck to 2 Cold Scorpio.

Sable will be in the April addition of Playboy and is excited about doing so. In all honesty, so am I!!!

That's my news for now. See you again soon!!!!


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